CNC Canned Cycles

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Computer-Numeric Controlled (CNC) machining utilizes computer code to perform machining operations. This has the advantage of eliminating operator-required equipment such as manual lathes, drill presses, vertical mills and others. CNC machining also introduces the ability to manufacture precise parts in multiple, and allows one operator to run multiple machines at the same time.

The Haas TL-1 CNC Lathe located in the University of Idaho machine shop, is used to rotate a workpiece, commonly round stock material, about the Z-axis in order to create an object with symmetry about that axis. The CNC lathe can be operated manually, using G-code or with Canned Cycles

Canned Cycles are a concise way to program the lathe with the machines panel to perform repetitive machine operations

Haas CNC Lathe AxisLabeled.PNG

Safety Information

Before You Enter the Shop

1) Review this checklist to help make the most of your time in the shop
2) Print and fill out a Machine Plan

Safety Tips

  • Never operate machine without mentor supervision
  • Always were safety goggles while operating machine.
  • Make sure hair and long sleeves are tied back or rolled up.
  • Remove any jewelry (necklaces, rings).
  • Have a machine plan ready and approved beforehand.
  • Have any prep work done before hand (special tools and setups).
  • Refer to the speed charts on the shop wall to find safe operating speeds for tooling and materials
  • Always adjust speed while machine is running
  • Ream at half speed
  • Edge finder is used at 1000 rpm
  • Facing tool needs to be angled slightly
  • Make sure to manually position tool before beginning the canned cycle in order to avoid crashes from odd entrance angles

HAAS CNC Lathe Manual Orientation

During the orientation all students will be required to fill out a machining plan covering the tools, and machining operations that take place.

1) Grab a piece of stock

Place the piece of stock in to the appropriate collet or the three jaw chuck

  • Discuss differences between the lathes
  • Discuss the 3 and 4 jaw chucks, uses, setup
  • Collets where they are located, uses
  • Securing stock, (important to mention the run out behind the machine)

2) Select an appropriate tool

Have the student(s) set up all the necessary tools that will be needed for all the intended operations

  • Discuss different tools and their setups (important to mention height requirement for tools)
  • Demonstrate use of tool holders and how to change tools

3) Set up lathe

Load and orientate the first tool on the tool post making sure the check the height of the cutting edge before starting work

  • Demonstrate how to work the tool post (loading, unloading and rotating)
  • Demonstrate use of the carriage hand wheel and cross slide
  • Demonstrate the use of the compound rest
  • Discuss High and Low gear along with how to adjust spindle speed

4) Basic Turning

Set up the dial indicator and during the first turning pass demonstrate the use of the power feed. Next do another pass but allow a student to run the machine with power feed at a much slower speed. Then have another student run a short pass by hand to demonstrate the difference in finish between hand and power feed. Use the compound rest to also put a small chamfer on the end of the stock.

  • Discuss feeds and speeds for the lathe (forward, reverse, hi/lo gear, brake)
  • Working the power feed (never turn on while running)
  • Working and reading the quick change box (ok to change while running)
  • Discuss dial indicators
  • Discuss thread dial (better to cut threads with CNC and recut or follow threads with the manual lathe)

5) Tail stock

Change the tailstock over to have the drill chuck center, use an appropriate dill bit to dill out the center of the stock.

  • Discuss different live centers
  • Demonstrate how to change live centers
  • Drilling with live center

6) Deburing/scouring

Have the students grab a deburring tool along with a scouring pad, sandpaper and a file and go over appropriate uses of each. (a part is never done until deburred).

  • Demonstrate where to find deburring tools, files, sand paper, scouring pads

7) Clean up

Introduction Videos

Introduction to Canned Cycles

The Haas TL-1 - Toolroom Capability & CNC Productivity

Available Lathe Tooling

Lathe Cutter Types

Haas CNC Lathe Tutorials and Training Manual

Haas Lathe Panel Tutorial


The HAAS CNC Machine Keys

  • Power On: Turns CNC machine on.
  • Power Off: Turns CNC machine off.
  • Emergency Stop: Stops all axis motion, stops spindle, tool changer and turns off coolant pump.
  • Jog Handle: Jogs axis selected, also may be used to scroll through programs, menu items while editing and also altering feeds and speeds
  • Cycle Start: Starts program in run mode or graphics mode.
  • Feed Hold: Stops all axis motion. Spindle will continue to turn.
  • Reset: Stops machine, will rewind program.
  • Power Up/Restart: Axis will return to machine zero and tool change will occur per Setting 81
  • Recover: If a tool change is stopped in middle of a cycle an alarm will come up. Push the Recover button and follow the instructions to bring the tool change cycle to the beginning

Machine Home Position

  • The principal of machine home may be seen when doing a manual reference return of all machine axes. When a zero return (ZERO RET) is performed at machine start up, all axes are moved to the furthest positive direction until the limit switch is reached.

Control Display Functions

  • Setup: ZERO RET, HAND JOG keys. Provides all control features for machine setup.
  • EDIT: MDI/DNC, LIST PROG keys. Provides all program editing, management, and transfer functions.
  • Operation: MEM key. Provides all control features necessary to make a part.

Training Manual

Media:Haas TL Manual.pdf

CNC Canned Cycle Quick Reference Guide

Manual Mode

Used for running the machine as a traditional Lathe

Haas CNC Lathe ManualMode.PNG

Tool Offset Mode

Generally used to set the tool offsets when running custom G-code programs (using Lathe as CNC Lathe, not canned cyles).

Soft Stops Mode

Limits the window of travel for your tool

Haas CNC Lathe SoftStopsMode.PNG

Chamfer Mode

Creates simple ID/OD chamfers

Haas CNC Lathe ChamferMode.PNG

Turn Face Modes


Used to move your tool rapidly while not cutting (generally not used)


Moves your tool in liner straight motion on X or Z axis

Haas CNC Lathe TurnAndFaceFeedMode.PNG

OD Turn

Makes an outside diameter cut

Haas CNC Lathe TurnAndFaceODMode.PNG

ID Turn

Makes an inside diameter cut.

Haas CNC Lathe TurnAndFaceIDTurn.PNG


Makes a facing cut.

Haas CNC Lathe TurnAndFace-Face.PNG

Chamfer/Radius Modes

OD Radius

Makes a radius on an outer diameter

Haas CNC Lathe ChamferAndRadiusODRadius.PNG

ID Radius

Makes a radius on an inside diameter

Haas CNC Lathe ChamferAndRadiusIDRadius.PNG

OD Chamfer

Makes a chamfer on an outside diameter

Haas CNC Lathe ChamferAndRadiusODChamfer.PNG

ID Chamfer

Makes a chamfer on an inside diameter

Haas CNC Lathe ChamferAndRadiusIDChamfer.PNG

Drill and Tap Modes


Simple drilling operation (Most drilling is done using the tailstock or peck drilling so this canned cycle is generally not used)

Peck Drill

Peck drilling operation

Haas CNC Lathe PeckDrillMode.PNG


For taping (Most tapping is done using the tailstock so canned cycle is generally not used)

Rev. Tap

For taping reverse threads (Most tapping is done using the tailstock so canned cycle is generally not used)

Threading Modes

OD Threading

For making threads on an outside diameter

Haas CNC Lathe ODThreading2Mode.PNG

ID Threading

For making threads on an inside diameter (Canned cycle is generally not used)

Grooving Modes

OD Grooving

For making grooves on the outside diameter

Haas CNC Lathe ODGroovingMode.PNG

ID Grooving

For making grooves on the inside diameter (Canned cycle is generally not used)

Part Off

For parting off a part (Canned cycle is generally not used)

Part Off w/ Peck

For parting off with pecks (Canned cycle is generally not used)