Operation and Maintenance

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It can print at a speed of 40mm/s or lower is recommended due to a noise, it can go faster to 200mm/s but that is not recommended. •The purpose of the bed lock is to easily reinstall the bed sheet on to the bed. When you are reinstalling the bed sheet, if the bed lock button is enabled, it will hold the bed so that the bed won't be pushed back when you slide the bed sheet on to the bed. Aside from this bed lock function, when the print is completed, the bed is automatically lowered to the bottom and the long screw that is on the bottom of the bed holds the bed which works the same as the bed lock function so you don't have to worry about pressing the bed lock button when the print is completed. You will be using the bed lock button when you have to reinstall the bed sheet after you cancel the print or in situations where the bed is not at the bottom of the printer. • Using USB is one of the feature, and you may remove the USB stick when the X-sign disappears on the screen. The bigger the size, the longer it will take for the X-sign to disappear. • The printer will notify you on when to clean the case, follow instructions. For the nozzle in times of changing material or changing color of filament, under settings initiate nozzle cleaning.