Tektronix AFG1022

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Tektronix AFG1022

A function generator is a piece of equipment used to generate electrical waveforms, in the form of a time-varying voltage. Different types of waveforms can be generated over a range of frequencies; up to 25MHz for sine wave on this model. Common waveforms include sine, square, triangle and sawtooth waves. Other repeating waves, as well as arbitrary waves and noise can also be generated. A function generator is commonly used to simulate input signals used to test or develop equipment or circuits. It can also be used for calibrating test equipment such as oscilloscopes.

This model has two output channels, capable of producing a peak-to-peak voltage of 1mV to 10V. The instrument also contains a frequency counter feature, used to read the frequency, period, or duty cycle of an external input signal between 100mHz and 200MHz.

Availability[edit | edit source]

Two function generator models are available in the ME 330 lab including the Keithley 3390. For more information on how to access or check out this machine for course projects contact:

Lab Supervisor: Ankit Gupta

E-mail: ankitg@uidaho.edu

Front panel and interface[edit | edit source]

Front Panel
Screen Interface

Selecting a channel[edit | edit source]

Selecting a channel
Displaying both channels

How to selecta a waveform and adjust the parameters[edit | edit source]

If you are a beginning user, follow the steps described here to get acquainted with how to select a waveform and adjust waveform parameters.

  1. Push the power button to turn on the instrument.
  2. Connect the Channel Output of the instrument to an oscilloscope input with a BNC cable.
  3. Select a waveform.
  4. Enable the signal output.
  5. Observe the waveform displayed on the oscilloscope screen.
  6. Use the front-panel shortcut buttons or bezel buttons on the instrument to select a waveform parameter.
  7. Select Frequency as the parameter to be changed.
  8. Change the frequency value using the numeric keypad.
  9. Change the waveform parameters using the general purpose knob and the arrow keypad.

The default output signal is a 1 kHz sine waveform with an amplitude of 1 Vp-p. In this example, you can change the frequency and amplitude of the original output signal.

Adjust Waveform Parameters

Generating a sine waveform[edit | edit source]

Generating a sine wave

Modulating a waveform - AM and FM[edit | edit source]

Output an AM waveform
Output an FM waveform

Utility Menu[edit | edit source]

Push the front-panel Utility button to display the Utility menu. The Utility menu provides access to utilities used by the instrument such as system related menus, and local language preferences.

Utility Menu 1
Utility Menu 2
Utility Menu 3

User manual and datasheet[edit | edit source]

File:Tektronix AFG1022 Datasheet.pdf

File:Tektronix AFG1022 User Manual.pdf